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Serving Others

The Healing Power of Serving Others

When you are focused on serving others your energy is channeled to contribution versus consumption.  When we come from a place of giving we have a heart of gratitude and are thinking less about ourselves and more about others.

Christonya & Tikari Girls 2014In 2002, Westover in partnership with Olive Branch Ministries International adopted an orphanage in Ventanilla, Peru called, La Comunidad de Los Ninos Segrada Familia.  In an effort to provide over 800 children a place to call home and belong to, the owner, Miguel Rodriguez, calls the orphanage “The Community”.  This philosophy speaks directly to the importance of building the self-worth of these precious children.

Their ages range from 1 month to 16-years old and many of these kids have been abandoned, neglected, exposed to drugs, and or violence.  The Community provides food as well as love, protection, education, and an environment enhanced with Christian values teaching them to thrive and that they are valuable members of society.

Christonya & Tikari Girls 2016As a child also growing up in a less than a favorable environment this tugged at my heart and I became a sponsor of a sweet young girl named, Miriam.  Over the last 9 years, my sponsorship of these teenage girls has included daily prayers, letters, casa greeting cards, and monthly financial support.  In July 2014, I joined the annual mission trip to The Community and met my sweet girls face-to-face.  I now proudly sponsor three beautiful girls Norith, Ana Lily, and Sefani.  Every other year I return to meet new faces, hug familiar ones, and love them all.

We are called to go to the ends of the earth to spread God’s word and love.  I invite you to join me.  To learn how to become a part of this amazing ministry visit Westover Peru Ministry.

Check out past mission trips to The Community:
